Friday, August 16, 2013

Alva Diaper Review- one year later

Yikes, search for Alva diaper reviews on Google and my blog post pops right up! For me anyway. Maybe Google is humoring me.

So, just about a year after I started using Alvas and I figure I should give another update:
They're sitting unused, in a bag in my closet. :(

Don't get me wrong, I still cloth diaper! But the Alvas all leak. All of them! I haven't done anything to them that I haven't done to my BumGenius or Flips or Thirsties and yet every Alva has serious wicking issues around the legs. Even from different series. I'm actually pretty sad about this, because the prints are darn cute and the fit is actually pretty nice. But the wicking... Not even wicking- I'm pretty sure liquid just goes right through them.

So, that's the end of those. I dug out a couple to use as swim diapers and occasionally I try using one again, just to see. As if something magical is happening in my closet that will stop the leaking? I don't know.